it's been quite a long time since my last update. been busy coping with student's life and emotionally unstable too. everything seems to be out of place when both of my grandmas passed away. that was my first time losing someone that i love. and since then, i know, there are lots more things to think rather than finding my true love or whatever it is. this love hunt is not really a hunt. just praying to Allah that He'll grant me with someone that He thinks is the best and at the right time. well, of course that would be one of the most important things that we would look up when we've reach twenty something. but then, when i lost my grandmas, i started to change the way i think. it's okay to not focusing on who is your better half. i've stop those kind of dreams because i know, there's something that i should value more. yes, my family. you wont get another family when you lose one. it will never be the same. when my toks passed away, i realised, i dont really pray hard for them. i dont really keep my family members on my thoughts all the time. because you know, being a student, busy with the assignments etc makes me wander away from keep thinking of my family. because, i always think that they will live longer. my toks and parents will be there to watch me getting married, having my first baby and so on. but the truth have spoken. you'll never know when Allah will take them back. you know, i'm kinda sucks in handling my emotions. i cant easily move on, i keep being sad out of nowhere or whenever i scroll my phone gallery. it is not easy to live without someone that you've hold close to your heart. and moving on just isnt working. but i know what Allah had planned is the best. i just need to keep moving on. what i'm trying to stress here is, yes, at this age we started to think of our works, ambitions, relationship goals and whatnot. but dont forget that your parents are getting older. never miss a day without contacting them. you'll never know when would be your last. they (your family) are the only person on earth who'll be there for you no matter what. and no, i'm not trying to say that you have to get rid all of the love-marriage goals and whatnot. it's just that you need to sort out your priorities. dont worry, our spouse, rezq, and death have been destinied. at the end, everything will fall into the right place at the right time. we just have to wait and keep our faith on Allah's plan.
that's all for now i guess. it's 12.22 and i have class tomorrow. should hit the sack now. goodnight world and assalamualaikum. may tomorrow be better for us.


syazwani.still confused.