Puisi Buat Nenda

semilir rindu yang bertamu
buat semesta alam kelabu
indah warna pelangi
cemerlang sinar mentari
hatta riuh unggas bernyanyi
tetap membuat hati merintih sepi
aku kalah pada kenangan lalu
ingin sekali kuundur masa
saat kita tertawa
melakar cerita pada sang purnama
senyum mesra peluk manja
waktu aku meluah rasa
aku kalah pada memori
terkadang air mata mengalir
mana mungkin aku lupa
pada tangan tua
yang mengerah tenaga
pada kedut wajahmu
yang sering melukis rindu
jiwa ini bagai ditoreh
pada luka yang sama berulang kali
kala aku terpaut pada memori lalu
damailah disana
biarlah aku disini memendam rasa
mengunci jiwa pada kenangan kita
Dia lebih berhak memilikimu
aku sedar saat ini kau tersenyum dari syurga
semoga jiwa kita kembali bersama
dengan Dia, di sana

al fatihah, nenda Solehah Bt Taib dan nenda Bashah Bt Ismail. 9 bulan mengusung rindu bersulam duka.


Dalam menyelak helaian kehidupan,
Kita lihat pelbagai coretan, pada muka-muka belakang.
Ada contengan yang dipadam,
Namun tetap meninggalkan kesan.
Ada warna-warna caca merba,
Namun manis apabila dipandang.
Ada kisah tidak dikisahkan,
Rahsia-rahsia; rapi tersimpan.

Ada tulisan elok terletak, saat taat; halus dan tulus.
Ada baris-baris impian, yang menanti untuk dinoktahkan.

Dan kita merenung,
Pada muka-muka hadapan yang masih kosong,
"Apa yang akan diisikan?"
Sedang tahu,
Kita bukan penentu,
Akhir helaian itu.

(Haniff Zikri, Dar Baraka)


AS201: Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology

Assalamualaikum dan selamat datang (?)
haha. okay pertamanya disebabkan sekarang musim adik adik final year diploma uitm tengah sibuk nak uruskan permohonan untuk penerapan, maka suka untuk saya kongsikan secebis pengalaman buat adik adik dari diploma sains terutamanya yang berminat untuk menyambung dalam pure biology di uitm untuk degree. inshaAllah akak (?) akan kongsikan apa yang hampa boleh expect dari course ni dari segi course outline, pengecualian kredit dan persediaan mental 😂

pertamanya, macam biasalah kan, dah boleh agak kalau course pure biology ni kebanyakan subjek akan berkisar tentang biologi lah secara umumnya. dalam course ni kita akan belajar mengenai manusia, binatang dan tumbuh tumbuhan. itu ja? mestilah tidak wahai adik adik sekalian 😂 contoh bayangan subjek yang akan dipelajari adalah cell biology, ecology, parasitology, genetics, animal physiology, animal behavior, plant physiology, biophysics dan pelbagai lagi. maka secara asasnya, boleh dikatakan hampir semualah cabang biology akan dipelajari. mungkin dengar macam scary jugak kan? haha. but no worries, alhamdulillah setakat ni subjek subjek tersebut masih boleh dihadam dan as expectedlah course ni memerlukan storage capacity lebih dari 1tb sebab kita akan baaanyak menghafal. selain dari subjek berteraskan biologi ni, ada juga subjek wajib universiti yang perlu diambil seperti ELC (english), bahasa ketiga (arab, mandarin etc), CTU (subjek pendidikan Islam) dan Kesatria Negara ( aka badan beruniform. tapi kalau hampa dari diploma uitm, tak payah ambil dah kesatria ni *lempar pom pom*) dan, ada juga subjek subjek business seperti finance, economy, insurance etc. selain itu, kita diwajibkan untuk menjalani latihan industri/praktikal yang akan dilakukan waktu cuti semester sewaktu semester ketiga. inshaAllah saya akan sertakan sekali course outline dalam ni. maka, itu adalah serba sedikit subjek yang terdapat dalam course outline untuk AS201.

kedua, pengecualian kredit (pc) buat pelajar pelajar diploma. okay, kalau sebelum ni kalian adalah dari jurusan diploma sains, microbiology dan yang sewaktu dengannya, berbahagialah sebab ada beberapa subjek yang akan dapat pengecualian kredit. sistem pengecualian kredit ni begini ya adik adik sekalian. contohlah kan, anda dari diploma microbiology sebelum ni dan pernah ambil subject microbiology dan waktu degree pun ada subject microbiology dalam course outline. maka, untuk degree kita dah tak perlu ambil subject tu. tapi, ada syaratnya juga. tak semestinya subject yang dah ambil time diploma boleh pass macam tu ja. ada kelayakan kredit untuk tentukan sama ada kita boleh pass atau kena ambil lagi sekali subject tersebut. contohnya untuk pass microbiology time degree hampa perlu score at least B baru boleh dapat pc. tapi, kalau time diploma dapat bawah dari B, terpaksalah ambil lagi subject tersebut. clear? (kalau tak clear boleh pm eh. sebab kadang memang confuse sikit nak karang ayat ni 😅) tapi, pada pendapat saya, students diploma sains beruntung bab pc ni sebab banyak subject yang kita boleh dapat pc. dah tak payah ambik calculus, physics, kimia semua tu *yeay!* . dapat pc juga bermakna tahun pengajian tu boleh dipendekkan. contohnya, tahun pengajian bagi pelajar dari asasi/matrikulasi adalah 4 tahun. tapi bagi pelajar dari diploma, hanya memerlukan 2 tahun untuk menamatkan pengajian.

itu ja rasanya perkongsian sebab saya sendiri masih belajar di dalam course ni tak mampu lagi nak bincangkan dari aspek penentuan kerjaya, masa depan dan sebagainya. tapi yang pasti, belajar dalam course apa pun, ada susah senangnya. kalau takda kesusahan dan pengorbanan, taklah terasa manisnya kejayaan kan? harapnya perkongsian ni dapatlah sedikit sebanyak memberi pengetahuan kat hampa mengenai AS201 atau Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Biologi ini. buatlah pilihan sebaik mungkin. andai kata course ni bukanlah pilihan pertama, atau takda dalam list langsung, jangan risau Dia lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. course ni pun bukan pilihan pertama saya juga tapi Alhamdulillah setakat ni saya memang seronok belajar dalam course ni. semoga post ini bermanfaat buat adik adik yang masih memilih! feel free to pm me if you have anything to ask 😉

p/s: mohon maafkan kesalahan tatabahasa yang tunggang langgang termasuklah penggunaan bahasa rojak dalam post ini 😅
btw, kalau ada kawan atau senior yang nak menambah dan berkongsi, anda amatlah dialu alukan 😊



it's been quite a long time since my last update. been busy coping with student's life and emotionally unstable too. everything seems to be out of place when both of my grandmas passed away. that was my first time losing someone that i love. and since then, i know, there are lots more things to think rather than finding my true love or whatever it is. this love hunt is not really a hunt. just praying to Allah that He'll grant me with someone that He thinks is the best and at the right time. well, of course that would be one of the most important things that we would look up when we've reach twenty something. but then, when i lost my grandmas, i started to change the way i think. it's okay to not focusing on who is your better half. i've stop those kind of dreams because i know, there's something that i should value more. yes, my family. you wont get another family when you lose one. it will never be the same. when my toks passed away, i realised, i dont really pray hard for them. i dont really keep my family members on my thoughts all the time. because you know, being a student, busy with the assignments etc makes me wander away from keep thinking of my family. because, i always think that they will live longer. my toks and parents will be there to watch me getting married, having my first baby and so on. but the truth have spoken. you'll never know when Allah will take them back. you know, i'm kinda sucks in handling my emotions. i cant easily move on, i keep being sad out of nowhere or whenever i scroll my phone gallery. it is not easy to live without someone that you've hold close to your heart. and moving on just isnt working. but i know what Allah had planned is the best. i just need to keep moving on. what i'm trying to stress here is, yes, at this age we started to think of our works, ambitions, relationship goals and whatnot. but dont forget that your parents are getting older. never miss a day without contacting them. you'll never know when would be your last. they (your family) are the only person on earth who'll be there for you no matter what. and no, i'm not trying to say that you have to get rid all of the love-marriage goals and whatnot. it's just that you need to sort out your priorities. dont worry, our spouse, rezq, and death have been destinied. at the end, everything will fall into the right place at the right time. we just have to wait and keep our faith on Allah's plan.
that's all for now i guess. it's 12.22 and i have class tomorrow. should hit the sack now. goodnight world and assalamualaikum. may tomorrow be better for us.


syazwani.still confused.


Assalamualaikum and morning my beloved adik adik (i know some of you're at the same age with me but idc :P) just a gentle reminder or maybe some sorts of sharing session with you guys this morning.

I know, some of my juniors feel like they're not good enough to be a debater, even if they try real hard, never missed any training on weekend, watch debate videos or have been in this club like two years but never have any improvement and they feel like quitting because they think debating won't give anything for them, think twice. First, what is your intention when joining this club? If you're joining because you want to be better, you want to learn another part of knowledge, please know that Allah looks on your efforts. Maybe you cant represent UiTM Perlis even if you've been in this club for three years. But you have to know that there's no such thing as wasted knowledge. It will always benefits you.

Second, if you think the road to be a good/great debater is easy, you're wrong. Completely wrong. I, myself have been through hell when I started debating in highschool. I've been in the club for five years before I have the chance to represent my school. Five years without having any chance to go to any tournament or just a friendly debate with another school. My seniors? You wouldnt want to know about them. Sharmaine is like 1000x better. But I know, my seniors were being hard on us because they've experienced that to be a good debater, you need to be tough. It'll challenge you, mentally and physically. Btw, I think nothing is easy in this world. Even going to class from Dahlia 3 or getting out of bed in the morning is hard for me. So what do you expect? You're a debater. Not an ordinary students or a bunch of people at warung lepak lepak while discussing current issues. So, bear in your mind that debating is going to be a looooongg rocky road. But, you wont regret it when you know how much have you change or how much have you learn. I love the quotes "Kita takkan rasa manisnya kejayaan kalau tak pernah melalui peritnya jalan menuju kejayaan" Yes. It's not easy. Because, if it's easy, you'll take it for granted. You know what is the best part of having to go through all the hardships? You have us. You're not alone. The whole debate family are with you. We're here to support you no matter what. So please, dont quit. Learn something. It might be you who'll change the world.

kay.the veteran


Filet Ikan Sweet Sour

masa on the way balik dari alor star haritu singgah la kat rnr gurun kejap nak ke outlet Ramly yg ada kat situ. lepastu terjumpa filet ikan pollock keluaran Ramly. cadangnya nak buat fish n chip tapi dok cari resepi teringin pulak nak makan fish filet sweet sour ni. hehe. maka terjadilah menu lunch sweet n sour fish filet. selalu orang pakai filet ikan dory, potong sendiri and celup tepung. kalini kita pakai versi ekspres, goreng terus filet yg dah siap tu 😊


- dua keping filet ikan Ramly (digoreng sehingga keemasan dan dipotong)
- empat ulas bawang putih (dipotong nipis)
- dua biji bawang besar (potong bulat)
- seinci halia (potong nipis)
- tiga sudu besar sos cili
- satu sudu besar sos tiram
- setengah sudu besar sos ikan
- sedikit air
- satu sudu gula
- garam untuk perasa
- sayur-sayuran yg kita suka (saya letak nenas dengan timun ja :)
- minyak untuk menumis

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih, bawang besar dan halia sehingga naik bau.

2. Masukkan sos cili, sos tiram dan sos ikan. Lepastu masukkan sedikit air, garam dan gula.

3. Masukkan sayur-sayuran dan biarkan didih sebentar.

4. Lepastu bolehlah dituang sos tadi keatas filet ikan. tuang bila dah nak makan tau! takut filet ikan tu lembik nanti.

* boleh tambahkan cili untuk kepedasan. saya tak letak sebab adik tak makan pedas.

** selamat mencuba! 😊


bukan hasil garapan saya. sekadar perkongsian :)

Istiqamah itu sangat penting sahabat. Ramai yang tersungkur akhirnya menjadi futur.

Dah tidak seperti di dalam suasana beragama.

Dah tidak lagi rindukan ilmu.

Dah tidak lagi rindu mengisi jiwa.

Sebab tu pentingnya 'mencari' suasana bukan 'menunggu' suasana.

Berusaha untuk terus berada di dalam suasana ilmu agama.

Adapun yang sudah ada suasana tanpa mencari, tetapi mensia-siakan suasana yang ada berlalu begitu saja.

Berubah itu memang payah.
Tetapi sekali kita berubah, istiqamah itu berganda lagi payah.

Kita selalu dengar mujahadah itu pahit kerna syurga itu manis.

Apa guna dapat syurga dengan senang lenang ?

Kena ada 'sesuatu' yang diusahakan untuk mendapat syurga itu.

Bak kata orang.
Mana ada benda 'free' datang bergolek.

Saya sendiri cemburu dengan orang-orang yang tengah berhijrah. Manisnya terlalu manis.

Saya nak ingatkan satu hal.
Bila kita dah naik tangga dan melangkah ke step hijrah. Janganlah menghakimi manusia sesuka hati. Takut syaitan cucuk-cucuk kita jadi ujub.

Apa itu ujub ?
Merasa diri 'lebih' baik dari orang lain.

Rasa itu boleh merosakkan amal-amal kita.

Penghijrahan kita bukanlah untuk siapa-siapa melainkan Dia.

- Kak Hassanah


something to ponder

if one fine day, I'm gone for good to finally meet Allah, I wonder what would my friends say or thought of me. will I be a good example or will they be glad that I'm not here anymore. I dont know why, deep there in my heart there's always this kind of feeling that I might not be in this world for a long time. my journey will be short, I would die young. the thought keeps coming to me but will I be prepared? am I ready to meet Allah? with my deeds. surely not. there's still a very long way back to be who I'm supposed to be. I've wronged so many times. and He always blessed me in everything *sigh* you did realise kan khairul syazwani, but did you try to do something to change? maybe a little. but it's real hard to istiqamah. dear Allah, grant us with strengths to be a better muslim. I dont know why this topic just pop out of my mind. maybe because one of my friends just lost her cousin and when I stalk his fb, I'm amazed by how his friends really adore him by his kindness. I hope one fine day, I'll be the same. to be showered with prayers when I no longer can pray for myself. ease our way to meet you ya Allah. forgive us, the sinners.

syazwani. the sinner


another blessings

Alhamdulillah! I've been waiting for the MUET's result since forever. for some people, this might be nothing. just another exam to qualify them for degree. but for me, this means everything. I really really really hope that I could be an English teacher or lecturer one fine day. why? because I really want to change the preception of people towards 'budak kampung' especially the one from the northern zone. I want to help them to know, learn and love English. and if it's not too much, I want to change their life, to be a better person for their future, well of course to be a better muslims too. May Allah ease our way!